Web Service Name | Description | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralOperatorSelect | GeneralOperatorSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralTableSelect | GeneralTableSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCatalogProductSelect | ItemsCatalogProductSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCustomerProductxRefList | ItemsCustomerProductxRefList | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCustomerProductxRefSelect | ItemsCustomerProductxRefSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductAltVendorxRefSelect | ItemsProductAltVendorxRefSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductDelete | Delete a Product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductInsertUpdate | Insert or Update a Product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductLineSelect | ItemsProductLineSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductList | List of products | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update a Product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductSelect | Select single product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductSupersededxRefList | ItemsProductSupersededxRefList | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductxRefSelect | ItemsProductxRefSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsVendorProductxRefList | ItemsVendorProductxRefList | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsVendorProductxRefSelect | ItemsVendorProductxRefSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseActiveProductList | ICSW Records - transdt greater than given date | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseList | Listing of Warehouses | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductDelete | Single Warehouse Product Delete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductInsertUpdate | Inserts or Updates a single product usage | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductList | Product Lookup for Every Warehouse | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductMassInsertUpdate | Inserts or Updates a single product usage | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductSelect | Single Warehouse Product Lookup | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductTransICET | Retrieve Product Transaction Records from ICET | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductTransOEEL | Retrieve Product Transaction Records from OEEL | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductTransPOEL | Retrieve Product Transaction Records from OEEL | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseVendProductSelect | ItemsWarehouseVendProductSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
LimitedWarehouseProductSelect | Limited subset of ICSW and ICSP | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingInvoiceInsertUpdate | PurchasingInvoiceInsertUpdate | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderAckInsert | PurchasingOrderAckInsert | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderASNInsert | PurchasingOrderASNInsert | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderLinesComntSelect | PurchasingOrderLinesComntSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderLinesSelect | PurchasingOrderLinesSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderList | PurchasingOrderList | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderNotesSelect | PurchasingOrderNotesSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderSelect | Purchasing Header | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorList | Listing of Vendors | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerExtract | Extract Customer by Date | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Customer | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerInvoiceList | Returns List of Customer Invoices | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerList | Returns List of Customers | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerPricingList | Get list customer pricing | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerPricingSelect | Get customer specific pricing | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerSelect | Returns a single customer record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesLinesSerialLotList | SalesLinesSerialLotList | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderAddonsSelect | SalesOrderAddonsSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderDelete | Delete or Cancel Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderExtract | Extract Orders by Date | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderHeaderUpdate | Update Field in Header (PMFL) | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderInsertUpdate | Insert or update order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesComntSelect | SalesOrderLinesComntSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesExtract | Extract Order Lines by Date | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesSelect | Select Lines for Single Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderList | List orders | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderNotesSelect | SalesOrderNotesSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderPaymentInsert | Insert an aret payment record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderSelect | Select single order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPackagesInsert | Insert Package/Tracking Data | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPackagesList | Show List of Packages | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPackagesSelect | Show Single Package | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToInsertUpdate | Insert or Update ShipTo | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToList | List shiptos | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToSelect | Select single shipto | WSDL | XML | JSON |