Web Service Name | Description | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralCompanyNumberList | Lookup Company Numbers | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsAlternateCodeSelect | Get Alternate Codes for Item | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsAssemblySelect | Select assembly items for product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsBinInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Bin | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsBinList | Select Multiple Bins | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsBinMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Bin | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsBinSelect | Select Single Bin | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsInventorySupplierInsertUpdate | InventorySupplierInsertUpdate | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsInventorySupplierList | List Inventory Suppliers | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsInventorySupplierMassInsertUpdate | InventorySupplierInsertUpdate | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsInventorySupplierSelect | InventorySupplierSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsLotList | List Item Lots | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsLotSelect | Select Lots for Single Item | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Product Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductList | Select list of products | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Product Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductSelect | Select single product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductUserDefinedInsertUpdate | ItemsProductUserDefinedInsertUpdate | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductUserDefinedMassInsertUpdate | ItemsProductUserDefinedInsertUpdate | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductUserDefinedSelect | ItemsProductUserDefinedSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductxRefSelect | Select single product by customer part number | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsUOMInsertUpdate | Insert or Update UOMs For Item | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsUOMList | Get UOMs For Item | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsUOMMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update UOMs For Item | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsVendorProductxRefList | Input supplier_part_no to get item_id list | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsVendorProductxRefSelect | Input supplier_part_no to get item_id select | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseList | List of warehouses | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductInsertUpdate | Insert a bulk of Warehouse Product Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductList | Product Lookup for Every Warehouse | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductMassInsertUpdate | Insert a bulk of Warehouse Product Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductSelect | Single Warehouse Product Lookup | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderLinesSelect | Purchasing Lines | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderList | Purchasing Header List | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderSelect | Purchasing Header | WSDL | XML | JSON |
Sales3rdPartyTaxInsertUpdate | Tax Information insert or update | WSDL | XML | JSON |
Sales3rdPartyTaxMassInsertUpdate | Tax Information insert or update | WSDL | XML | JSON |
Sales3rdPartyTaxSelect | Tax Information Select | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerContactList | Get List of Contact information | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerContactSelect | Get Single Contact information | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerDefaultSelect | Get default customer values | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerExtract | Returns List of Customers by date | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Customer | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerInvoiceLinesSelect | Single Invoice's Lines Lookup | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerInvoiceList | Returns list of invoices. | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerList | Returns List of Customers | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Customer | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerPricingList | List Customer Pricing Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerPricingSelect | Single Customer Pricing Record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerSelect | Returns a single customer record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerUserDefinedInsertUpdate | SalesCustomerUserDefinedInsertUpdate | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerUserDefinedMassInsertUpdate | SalesCustomerUserDefinedInsertUpdate | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerUserDefinedSelect | Get user-defined customer fields | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesJobPricingList | Retrieve Contract Pricing | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderExtract | Returns list of orders by date | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderInsertUpdate | Update Sales Order Header | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesExtract | Returns list of order lines by date | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesInsertUpdate | Update Sales Order Lines | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesSelect | Single Order's Lines Lookup | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesUserDefinedInsertUpdate | Update Sales Order Lines User Defined Table | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesUserDefinedMassInsertUpdate | Update Sales Order Lines User Defined Table | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesUserDefinedSelect | Select Order Lines Customer Fields | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderList | Returns list of orders | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderNotesInsertUpdate | Add Notes to Sales Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderNotesList | Order Notes List | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderNotesMassInsertUpdate | Add Notes to Sales Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
| Insert Payment Account | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderPaymentAccountList | List of payment accounts | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderPaymentAuthInsert | AR Authorization | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderPaymentSelect | AR Payments | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderSelect | Returns a single order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderTaxJurisdictionInsertUpdate | Add Tax Jurisdictions to Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderTaxJurisdictionList | List Tax Jurisdictions for Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderTaxJurisdictionMassInsertUpdate | Add Tax Jurisdictions to Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderUserDefinedInsertUpdate | Update Sales Order Header User Defined Table | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderUserDefinedMassInsertUpdate | Update Sales Order Header User Defined Table | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderUserDefinedSelect | Select Order Header Customer Fields | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPickTicketInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Pick Tickets | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPickTicketLinesSelect | Select Single Pick Ticket Lines | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPickTicketList | List Pick Tickets | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPickTicketMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Pick Tickets | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPickTicketSelect | Select Single Pick Ticket | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesQuoteLinesSelect | Select lines for quote | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesQuoteList | List Quotes | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShippingContainerLineSelect | Show Shipping Containers Lines for Pick Ticket | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShippingContainerList | Show Shipping Containers for Pick Ticket | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToExtract | Multiple Ship To Return by date | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Ship To | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToList | Multiple Ship To Return | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Ship To | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToSelect | Single ShipTo Lookup | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesTaxJurisdictionSelect | Select Single Tax Jurisdiction | WSDL | XML | JSON |
TermsList | Get List of Terms | WSDL | XML | JSON |