Web Service Name | Description | WSDL | XML | JSON |
CustomTableValueFlatFileInsert | Takes a flat file and puts into Custom Table | WSDL | XML | JSON |
CustomTableValuesInsert | CustomTableValuesInsert | WSDL | XML | JSON |
CustomTableValuesList | CustomTableValuesList | WSDL | XML | JSON |
CustomTableValuesSelect | CustomTableValuesSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
CustomTableValuesUpdate | CustomTableValuesUpdate | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralAPICompile | Compile API's | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralAPIUpdate | Update and Compile Single API | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralCompanyNumberList | Lookup Company Numbers from SASC | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralLedgerAccountExtract | Extract GL Account Balances | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralLedgerBalancesExtract | General Ledger Balances Extract | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralLedgerTransExtract | Extract GL Transactions | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralOperatorExtract | Operator Extracts | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralOperatorSelect | Single Operator Select | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralPaymentTypeList | Display list of PaymentTypes | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralPositivePayExtract | Positive Pay Extract - replaces crzep.p | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralShipViaList | List of Ship Via Codes | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralShipViaSelect | Lookup Ship Via's from SASTA | WSDL | XML | JSON |
GeneralTableSelect | General Table Select | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCatalogProductBatchDelete | Delete bulk records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCatalogProductBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or Update bulk records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCatalogProductExtract | Extract Catalog Products | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCatalogProductInsert | Insert a Catalog Record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCatalogProductList | List of Catalog Products | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCatalogProductMassDelete | Delete bulk records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCatalogProductMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update bulk records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCatalogProductSelect | Returns a catalog product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCatalogProductUpdate | Update a Catalog Product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCountProductInsert | Insert Count Record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCountProductInsertUpdate | Insert or Update Items Count | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCountProductList | List Count Run | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCountProductSelect | Select Count Run | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCountProductUpdate | Update Count Run | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCountRunInsert | Insert Physical Count Header | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCountRunSelect | Select a Count Run | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCountRunUpdate | Sets EntFl to Yes | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCustomerProductxRefInsert | Insert ICSEC record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCustomerProductxRefList | Customer xref List | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCustomerProductxRefSelect | Single Customer Product xref | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsCustomerProductxRefUpdate | Update Customer ICSEC record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductAltVendorxRefList | Alt Vend xref List | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductAltVendorxRefSelect | Single Alt Vend xref | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductBarCodexRefSelect | Single Bar Code xref | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductBatchDelete | Delete ICSP Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or Update a bulk of Product Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductExtract | Extract ICSP | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductInsert | Input a Product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductInterchangexRefList | List of Interchange Products xref | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductKitExtract | Extract Kit Products | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductKitSelect | Returns kit componets for product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductLineList | List Items Product Line Master | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductLineSelect | Select Items Product Line Master | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductList | List of products | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductListBatchInsertUpdate | Insert a bulk of ItemsProductList Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductListInsert | Creates a ICSPLP record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductListMassInsertUpdate | Insert a bulk of ItemsProductList Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductMassDelete | Mass Delete ICSP Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update a bulk of Product Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductNotesInsert | Add Notes to Products | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductNotesUpdate | Update Products' Notes | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductOptionsxRefList | List of Product Options xref | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductPricingxRefSelect | Single Product Pricing xref | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductSelect | Select single product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductSubstitutexRefList | List of Substitute Products xref | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductSupersededxRefList | List of Superseded Products xref | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductUOMBatchDelete | Delete /move UOM to backupcompany | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductUOMBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or Update of ICSEU records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductUOMList | List of Product UOMs | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductUOMMassDelete | Delete /move UOM to backupcompany | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductUOMMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update of ICSEU records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductUpdate | Update a Product | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductUpgradexRefList | List of Upgraded Products xref | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductxRefBatchDelete | ItemsProductxRefBatchDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductxRefBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or Update ICSEC records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductxRefExtract | ItemsProductxRefExtract | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductxRefMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update ICSEC records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsProductxRefSelect | Single Customer Product xref | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsUPCInsertUpdate | Insert or Update UPC | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsUPCList | List UPCs | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsUPCSelect | Select UPC | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsVendorProductxRefSelect | ItemsVendorProductxRefSelect | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseActiveProductList | ItemsWarehouseActiveProductList | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseList | Returns List of Warehouse | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductBatchDelete | ItemsWarehouseProductBatchDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductBatchInsertUpdate | Insert a bulk of Warehouse Product Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductExtract | Extract Warehouse Products | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductFuturePriceCostBatchDelete | Batch Delete of PDSF records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductFuturePriceCostBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or Update PDSF records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductFuturePriceCostList | List PDSF records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductFuturePriceCostMassDelete | Batch Delete of PDSF records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductFuturePriceCostMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update PDSF records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductFuturePriceCostSelect | Select a PDSF record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductInsert | Insert Warehouse Products | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductList | Product Lookup for Every Warehouse | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductMassDelete | ItemsWarehouseProductBatchDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductMassInsertUpdate | Insert a bulk of Warehouse Product Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductSelect | Single Warehouse Product Lookup | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductTotals | Product Qty for List of Products and Warehouses | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductTrans | Product Transaction Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductUpdate | Updates a single product usage | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseProductUseExtract | Extract Warehouse Product Usage | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseSerialBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or update Serial number | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ItemsWarehouseVendProductSelect | Select Product from Vendor Product Number | WSDL | XML | JSON |
NotesDelete | NotesDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
NotesInsert | Insert New Note | WSDL | XML | JSON |
NotesSelect | Select Notes | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingInvoiceInsert | Vendor Invoice Insert for APEI | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderAddonsExtract | Extract all Purchasing Header Addons | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderAddonsSelect | Purchasing Header Addon | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderExtract | Extract all Purchasing Headers | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderHeaderBatchUpdate | Mass Update to POEH | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderInsert | Insert Purchase Order in SX | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderLinesBatchUpdate | Mass Update to POEL | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderLinesComntSelect | Purchasing Line Comments Select | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderLinesDelete | Update PO Lines | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderLinesExtract | Extract all Purchasing Lines | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderLinesList | PO Lines Listing | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderLinesSelect | Purchasing Lines | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderLinesUpdate | Update PO Lines | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderList | Returns List of PurchaseOrders | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderNotesSelect | Purchasing Header Notes Select | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderSelect | Purchasing Header | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderSingleLineInsert | Insert PO Line | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingOrderUpdate | Purchase Order Header Update | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingShipToBatchInsertUpdate | Bulk Insert/Update Purchasing Shiptos | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingShipToDelete | PurchasingShipToDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingShipToMassInsertUpdate | Bulk Insert/Update Purchasing Shiptos | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingShipToSelect | Select Purchasing ShipTo | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorBatchInsertUpdate | Bulk Insert/Update Vendors | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorContractPricingRecordBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or Update PDSVC | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorContractPricingRecordExtract | Extract PDSVC records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorContractPricingRecordList | List PDSVC records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorContractPricingRecordMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update PDSVC | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorDelete | PurchasingVendorDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorExtract | Vendor Extract | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorInvoiceInsert | Purchasing Vendor Invoice Insert | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorList | Listing of Vendors | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorMassDelete | PurchasingVendorDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorMassInsertUpdate | Bulk Insert/Update Vendors | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorPricingRecordBatchDelete | Delete / move PDSV Records to backupcompany | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorPricingRecordBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or Update PDSV records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorPricingRecordMassDelete | Delete / move PDSV Records to backupcompany | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorPricingRecordMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update PDSV records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
PurchasingVendorSelect | Returns a vendor's information | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesBackOrderList | Lists backorders | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCheckBatchUpdate | Update CRET check rec | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCreditCardAuthInsert | Credit Card Payment | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerBatchDelete | SalesCustomerBatchDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or Update a bulk of Sales Customer Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerBidList | List of Bids for a Customer | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerCreditList | List of Customer Credits | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerExtract | Extract ARSC | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerInsert | Insert Customer | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerInvoiceList | Open invoices and balance due | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerList | Returns List of Customers | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerMassDelete | SalesCustomerBatchDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update a bulk of Sales Customer Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerPrePricing | Check if a pricing record exists | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerPricingList | Enter muliple products | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerPricingSelect | Single Customer Pricing Record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerQuantityPricingList | Single Customer Quantity Break Pricing List | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerSelect | Returns a single customer record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesCustomerUpdate | Update Customer | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesFreightRateSelect | Select freight rate by zone | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesLinesCustomerSerialLotList | Returns Serial/Lots Numbers by Customer | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesLinesSerialLotList | Returns Serial/Lots Numbers | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesMiscCreditPaymentInsert | Create a misc credit | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderAddonsInsert | Insert an addon to a sales order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderAddonsList | Sales Order Addon by Customer | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderAddonsSelect | Sales Order Addon | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderAddonsUpdate | Update an addon on a Sales Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderBatchInsert | Insert Batch Order in SX | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderBatchSelect | Returns order batch record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderBatchUpdate | Update a Batch | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderConvert | Converts Orders from QU to DO in SX | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderConvertSOtoFO | Based on date it will convert a SO to a FO | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderDelete | Deletes header, lines and addons | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderExtendedInsert | Insert Order in SX with associated subtables | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderExtract | Extract Sales Orders | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderHeaderBatchUpdate | Mass Update to OEEH | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderInsert | Insert Order in SX | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesComntInsert | Insert Order Line coments | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesComntSelect | Order Line Comments Select | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesDelete | Update Sales Order Lines | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesExtract | Extract Sales Order Lines | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesSelect | Single Order's Lines Lookup | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLinesUpdate | Update Sales Order Lines | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderList | Returns list of orders | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderLockingUpdate | Lock Operinit in Sales Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderNotesInsert | Add Notes to Sales Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderNotesSelect | Order Notes Select | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderNotesUpdate | Update a notes record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderPaymentInsert | AR Payments | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderPreInsert | Shows totals without placing an order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderReturnInsert | Insert Return-Order in SX | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderSelect | Returns a single order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderShippingUpdate | Shipping Update | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderSignatureInsert | Sales Order Signature Input | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderSingleLineDelete | Deletes a line from a Sales Order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderSingleLineInsert | Insert Line in SX | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesOrderUpdate | Update Sales Order Header | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPackagesInsert | Insert Packaging Information | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPackagesList | Returns list of Orders for Package Tracking | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPackagesSelect | Single Order Package Tracking | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPackagesUpdate | Update Packaging Information | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPricingRecordBatchDelete | SalesPricingRecordBatchDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPricingRecordBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or update a bulk of Pricing Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPricingRecordExtract | Extract Pricing Record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPricingRecordInsert | Enter a PDSC record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPricingRecordList | List of pricing records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPricingRecordMassDelete | SalesPricingRecordBatchDelete | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPricingRecordMassInsertUpdate | Insert or update a bulk of Pricing Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPricingRecordSelect | Select a PDSC record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesPricingRecordUpdate | Update a Pricing Record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateBatchDelete | Delete Rebate Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or update a bulk of Rebate Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateExtract | Extract Rebates | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateInsert | Insert a vendor rebate | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateList | List of Rebates | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateMassDelete | Mass Delete Rebate Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateMassInsertUpdate | Insert or update a bulk of Rebate Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateReconciliationUpdate | Reconcile Rebate Record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateSelect | Single Rebate Lookup | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateTypeCodeInsertUpdate | Insert Update Rebate Type Codes | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateTypeCodeSelect | Select Rebate Type Codes | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesRebateUpdate | Update PDSR record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToBatchDelete | Delete Customer ShipTo | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToBatchInsertUpdate | Insert or Update a bulk of Sales ShipTo Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToExtract | Extract all Customer Ship To's | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToInsert | Insert Ship To | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToList | Multiple Ship To Return | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToMassDelete | Delete Customer ShipTo | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToMassInsertUpdate | Insert or Update a bulk of Sales ShipTo Records | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToSelect | Single ShipTo Lookup | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesShipToUpdate | Update Customer ShipTo | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesSpecialQuantityPricingList | Returns a PDSS record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesSystemTaxTableSelect | System Tax Table | WSDL | XML | JSON |
SalesTaxTableList | Tax Table | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ServiceWarrantySingleLineInsert | Insert a line to an existing repair order | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ServiceWarrantySingleLineUpdate | Updates a SWEL or SWERT record | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ServiceWarrantyTicketInsert | Insert Service Warranty Tickets | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ServiceWarrantyTicketSelect | Returns a repair order number | WSDL | XML | JSON |
ServiceWarrantyTicketUpdate | Update Service Warranty Tickets | WSDL | XML | JSON |
WarehouseTransferOrderSelect | Warehouse Transfer Select | WSDL | XML | JSON |